Friday, November 13, 2009

Dominios .uy con y sin www!!

El hack que voy a publicar hoy promete revolucionar la web uruguaya!?! Bueno, la verdad que es no, solo va a probar lo fácil que es hacerlo bien desde el "nuevo" panel NIC de AntelData y asi puedan arreglar sus faquins dominios:

Configurar dominios con y sin WWW

Eso, crear 2 entradas (ya sea en "Registros A" o en "Registros NS"); uno con el Nombre: www, y otro con el nombre: @. Si, el @ actúa como comodín para el dominio sin www. 

Listo, tan difficile era?


I'm moving my blog here, and there is good reasons for it.

To be honest (and in my opinion) there is no reason to keep paying a hosting service just for a blog at these days, there is exelent free services out there like this one I'm using.

Host wordpress in my home server? Don't think so, WP in my opinion requires a retarded ammount of RAM or whatever makes it run so damn slow even on a fresh install.

Then if u are a good programmer why dont you develop your own? Same thing i said before about free hosting services, they are not just 'free' they accually good!; Plus i don't have time for such thing right now (maybe if i decide to learn somthing new, coding a blog app is always a good start).

Anyhoe, Hi tumbr!